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Promotion of the Toxic Chemical Substances Institutions and Flow Tracking Management Project

This year the project has focused on the following six main aspects: Scheme plan: Establish relevant measures of anti-abuse scheme. In the aspect of flow tracking, propose solutions to cases raising false alarms and set up standard procedures as well as the checklist of on-site inspection. In the aspect of delivery management, select substances classified as the first, second, and third kinds of toxic chemicals with relatively high risks of delivery and propose nine suggestions based on the analysis of domestic and foreign regulations governing high risk delivery management. Value-added system: This project has created the renewed application form of toxic chemicals, provided on-line services of the fourth toxic substance application, improved the auditing of toxic chemicals, and offered the operation record of multiple applications. After the system was advanced, the number of customer complaints has dropped by 96%. Besides, environmental protection administrations have approved of the advanced system by 90%. Archive check: To improve the accuracy of archive, the project has checked the 8,012 applications submitted between 2008 and 2012, the validity of 6,535 certificates, and 564 virtual certificate numbers thoroughly. It is expected that local environmental protection administers may avoid making mistakes of auditing effectively. System integration: This project has completed the integration with Environmental Management System (EMS) in terms of single sign on, national electronic signature, and five municipality e-payment services. The operation of single sign on shall improve the confirmation of base line data and meet the policy demand of electronic signature completely. Staff management: 23 personnel have been assigned to all competent authorities to conduct interior audit and the average score of these two terms of auditing reaches 95. Besides, national toxic chemical audit team was established and the cases it completed auditing have increased by 11,219 more than last year. In addition, the cases of auditing were 10,501, with 160 of them being penalized. Apparently, the audit team has brought about the trend of auditing among national environmental protection administrations. Campaign and workshop: 18 campaigns have been conducted so far, including issues of toxic chemicals, environmental agents, the Class C designated personnel workshop, relevant regulations, and system operations. Participants of campaign have approved of these events by more than 80%. Besides, this project has assisted local environmental protection administrations to organize 28 campaigns, with the satisfaction rate of more than 90%.
Flowing Audit;Toxic Chemical Substance Operation Record and Data;Transport Manifest